With vaccines being rolled out throughout the nation, we are all hopeful that the pandemic may be nearing an end. But even as we start to see light peeking at the end of the tunnel, we must continue to be vigilant in our battle against COVID-19. Automatic temperature scanners are vital to that cause.
Part of that responsibility falls on facility managers of companies, organizations, and agencies in every sector. If your location is open for operations, you must act responsibly to mitigate risk of contracting the virus for those individuals within your walls. According to both CDC and WHO guidance, that means screening everyone that walks through your doors for fever and possible exposure to the virus. Contract tracing is also highly recommended.
There are a few barriers to effective screening, especially if you have a lot of foot traffic or on-site staff. One of those barriers is staffing screening stations at entrances. A lot of companies are facing decreased revenue due to the pandemic, and hiring additional employees for this purpose just isn’t in the cards for many. The cost of screening tools can also be prohibitive for some organizations, especially non-profits.
The Zortemp 1000 automatic temperature scanner addresses these concerns with an affordable, efficient, effective, and completely self-service screening tool that can help you determine if someone needs additional evaluation to keep everyone safe.
Of course, the Zortemp 1000 isn’t the only self-service temperature screening tool on the market. There are different types of automatic temperature scanners. Most fall within two categories: infrared temperature scanners and thermography with use of cameras.
Infrared automatic temperature scanners like the Zortemp 1000 are the best for most applications because cameras of any kind pose privacy concerns. Even though they are not intended to be used for identification or image captures, many people and consumer protection agencies are against the use of cameras in covid screenings.
In addition, face detection has been found to be unnecessary for accurate temperature scans, making the cameras an unwise use of resources that needlessly hikes up the cost of these devices. In fact, the only temperature scanner meant for scanning body temperature to be FDA approved and marketed before the pandemic uses the same technology as our automatic temperature scanners.
And, with our scanners, you get more bang for your buck. While the Zortemp does have fewer bells and whistles than similar screening systems, we pass the cost savings of manufacture on to you, our consumer. Our affordable temperature screening kiosk is simple to implement, operate, and monitor with user friendly controls and software. You get all of the functionality you need at an affordable price, and without paying for extra features you don’t really need.
In all, the Zorpro automatic temperature scanner offers the most value for your dollar.
Having a temperature screening system in place is only half the battle. It is important to create an effective self-service environment, while also maintaining strict adherence to company policy regarding possible infections (temperature fail events). The rest of this guide will walk you through how to best make use of our automatic temperature scanners.
No-Contact Operation with Automatic Temperature Scanners
What makes automatic temperature scanners so appealing is that you should be able to operate them with no-contact. Even when someone fails the scan and must be given directions based on policy or local public health recommendations, you should be able to maintain distance and avoid possible exposure to the virus.
However, not all automatic temperature scanners are truly no-contact. Even with the Zortemp 1000, how you implement the scanners and your organization’s policy are going to determine how “contact-free” your screening process might be. But, with out automated temperature scanner, you will be able to easily implement a no-contact screening tool.
Accurate temperature scanning from a distance with extended radius
Camera-based temperature scanners require the individual to be within a close distance to the measuring device. These thermographic temperature scanners are not as reliable as infrared temperature screening, and they are harder to use accurately.
Cameras have to be oriented on the individual in a particular way, and that relies on the subject being close enough to the camera to detect. This distance will vary from subject to subject, depending on their size and proximity to the temperature screening kiosk. Even though these scanners are technically accurate, they are problematic to implement.
On the other hand, infrared automatic temperature scanners like the Zortemp 1000 are able to be accurate at a much further distance. The radius to be scanned is extended significantly with this method so that distancing can be encouraged. As long as the area is set up correctly with an appropriate blackbody background for more accurate subject measurement, you can get much more accurate readings without people breathing on the kiosk trying to make it work.
Frequent sterilization still necessary
You still need to make sure that you are sterilizing the automatic temperature screening kiosk regularly, and post signage discouraging people from touching the kiosk. This is necessary because people may still be close enough to the kiosk for saliva droplets to be released, especially if they are not wearing a mask, or are wearing their mask incorrectly. You should still be disinfecting the screening equipment every one to three hours, depending on volume of foot traffic.
Higher accuracy screening at a faster rate per subject
Since you don’t have to have people fighting with getting a camera to recognize their face, and therefore scan their temperature, you can get a lot more people through the screening process in a much shorter amount of time.
Each subject can pass through quickly, with the scanner reading the temperature in less than a minute. This keeps the line to get inside the facility moving at a swift pace while still giving you accurate readings to responsibly monitor the risk of the coronavirus in your building, even though FDA guidelines dictate that only one subject’s temperature be measured at a time.
Software integration for automatic temperature screeners
Part of what makes your screening process automatic is the software that integrates the equipment with your internal monitoring processes, as well as how the entire system is implemented. This requires some forethought as to how many automatic temperature scanners you might need and in which entrances you want to install them, as well as how you will meet the other requirements of your organization’s screening policy.
Here are some of the things you need to consider and how Zortemp 1000 and its integrated software offers the best, affordable, efficient, and effective system.
Completely self-service covid screening with automatic temperature scanners
When you use an automated temperature scanner with software that alerts you when an elevated temperature is detected, you can easily monitor your staff and guests for risk of the virus impregnating your walls without having someone right there moving the process along.
You can save quite a bit of money by creating a no-contact screening process and resulting policy that doesn’t require additional staff to implement. The Zortemp’s email alerts keep necessary staff in the loop so that mitigation efforts can be made upon a fail event.
Customizable email alerts suited to your organization’s and locale’s guidance on covid mitigation efforts
Unfortunately, there has been little uniformity when it comes to what is thought of as reasonable precautions to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The fact that different cities, counties, or states all have different, and sometimes conflicting, guidance, many organizations are being left to their own devices to develop a mitigation plan, and no two plans may look the same.
This is where having a completely automated and integrated system becomes a real advantage. Our email alerts can be customized to meet the policy that you are working with within your specific facility. This flexibility allows you to maintain precautions even if they are more rigorous than other facilities might be.
Where to find local guidance regarding who should be screened for COVID-19
It isn’t always easy to know what rules your organization or agency should be following in the current pandemic. There can be differences in guidelines with facilities in the same state, county, or even city. How do you know what the rules are for your specific type of space in your specific location?
The best place to start is with your local public health department. Each area is different, but you will likely have a public health department within your city or county government, sometimes both. The health department will have guidance based on implemented ordinances or emergency mandates for your business and your location.
You may also be able to find detailed information and resources to help business owners and facility managers do their part in stopping the spread of the coronavirus.
Who should be further screened for covid after an elevated temperature reading?
According to guidance coming down from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and WHO (World Health Organization), anyone with an elevated temperature of 100 degrees Farenheit or above should be further screened for COVID by a health professional in a healthcare setting. Remember that an elevated temperature isn’t a sure sign of covid infection, just as absence of a fever is not a guarantee that one is not carrying the virus.
Creating a self-service automated temperature and covid exposure screening environment
It is important to remember that, while temperature is the easiest measurement to ascertain possible covid infection, it is not the only indicator or symptom. It is important that body temperature scanning is just one part of your complete self-service covid screening for employees and guests. Here is what you need to know to implement the most effective solutions to mitigate the risk of covid in your workplace.
Well-known covid mitigation policy and procedures
An effective no-contact covid screening program must be based on a well-known policy of guidelines and procedures put in place by the organization in an effort to reduce the number of covid cases in the workplace. It is important that there is a hierarchy to how infection risks will be handled, and by whom.
All staff should be aware of the organization’s screening policies and under what circumstances individuals should not enter the building. This guidance should be posted prominently throughout the workplace, as well as distributed to all staff personally through email or some other means of personal notification.
Clear and appropriate signage for all visitors and employees
Even though your employees will have been notified of your COVID screening related policies and procedures, it is important to have appropriate signage as a reminder. Doing so limits your liability if individuals do not heed the policies put in place. It also ensures that visitors unfamiliar with the policy know what to do to gain entry, as well as what is expected while within the facility.
You should also have clear signage near the automatic temperature screening kiosk that discourages touching any part of the machine or removing the mask while in front of the machine. There should also be signage directing visitors to a receptionist or other staffer that will handle their needs.
Most importantly, it is highly encouraged by the CDC for all employees working on-location to self-screen for signs or risks of exposure or covid related symptoms. As a part of your self-service covid screening, staff and visitors should answer an array of screening questions, including:
- Do you have any symptoms of COVID-19 such as:
- Cough or sore throat
- Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
- Fatigue, headaches, and body aches
- Loss of taste or smell
- Congestion and runny nose
- Nausea, vomiting, or other digestive issues
- Are you currently waiting on a covid test result? Or, have you been in contact with someone awaiting a covid test result?
- Have you been in contact with anyone who has had a positive result in the last two weeks and is currently under quarantine?
These sample screening questions, or questions like them, should be prominently posted before staff and guests reach the automatic temperature scanner. Anyone who cannot answer “no” to all screening questions should not enter the building. This too should be clearly stated and prominently posted, as should any mask and social distancing requirements while on the premises.
Disability access for automatic temperature screening
It is important that everyone who comes into your building has been screened for covid symptoms and exposure, including temperature scanning, and that includes the disabled. You should ensure that all necessary signage is posted at eye level for both able-bodied individuals and those using medical devices.
You should also make sure that you are using an infrared temperature scanner that can read surface body temperature at different heights without needing to be in line with a camera. The Zortemp 1000 has a wrist-height scanner built into the side of the kiosk specifically for measuring the temperature of shorter persons or those who rely on mobility devices such as wheelchairs or motorized scooters. The kiosk is also very slim and easily navigated by anyone using such devices.
Using compiled temperature screening data to effectively reduce covid infections in the workplace
One of the biggest advantages of our integrated software package is that you can link multiple screening sites together into one comprehensive CSV document that you can open in any spreadsheet application. Being able to see the data of pass and fail temperature scans at each point and together as a whole can give you valuable insight as to the risk for each department or location within the building.
Compiled and graphed for easy reference
Once each temperature scanning kiosk has been set up with its own software package and linked to the other scanners in the building, you will automatically receive compiled data regarding pass and fail events. This CSV spreadsheet is automatically compiled and generated so that you can see quickly when you have a potential for an outbreak. This is important for quickly seeing if you need to take action, such as additional disinfecting or distancing measures.
Compare automatic temperature scanners in different locations
If you have staff or visitors that enter the building at a particular point relevant to their purpose within the facility, you can easily use multiple Zortemp 1000 temperature scanners at different entry points and compare the results with the automatically generated reporting. Each station can be viewed independently, or you can review all of the stations together.
In doing so, you can identify when you need to take action to prevent an outbreak in a certain work group. If you have several fail events within a couple of days from one particular scanner, you may want to consider sending that department home while a thorough disinfection takes place.
When you integrate everything together, the email alerts you receive can also be customized to indicate which scanner is sending the fail alert. This way you can respond quickly when an individual needs to be denied access to the building and further action needs to be taken.
Other advantages of the Zortemp 1000 automatic temperature scanner kiosk
The Zortemp 1000 truly is a completely self-service, no-contact, automatic temperature screening system that is easy to implement, operate, and monitor efficiently and affordably. Here are a few other advantages our product has over the competition:
- Accurate temperature readings within 0.5 degree Fahrenheit
- Built-in signal processors designed to block infrared noise that could interfere with the temperature scan
- A focus on forehead scanning, while providing scanners at varying heights to accommodate all
- No-contact temperature kiosks utilizing infrared technology are approved for use through the FDA temporary guidelines for thermographic temperature scanners.
When compared to similar kiosks, there is no beating the overall value that Zortemp 1000 brings to the table in regards to accuracy, efficiency, affordability, and user experience. If you want to add automatic temperature screening to your entrance policies to protect your employees and guests, you have a responsibility to screen everyone entering your building. Zortemp makes implementation easy and reporting automated so that you can stay protected without additional manpower. Check out our additional features on the Zortemp 1000 product page.