Category Archives: XVS – 10mi Metal Detector System

A Little Info About the PTI Walk Through Metal Detector

If you work for a jewelry manufacturer and have to have to pass through their newest and latest “walk through “metal detector; take heed. Today’s top of the market brands sport some new software which gives them the ability to do more. If you pass through the new PTI metal detector  (private employment use only) […]

Some Metal Detectors Can Actually Detect Paper Money

Security metal detectors have been used successfully for years to detect even the smallest amount of metal. They are able to detect things as small as a safety pin to large firearms. Although they are designed to detect certain items, some single-zone units function in a way that the entire metal contents on a person […]

What Your Business Can Accomplish with a Security Metal Detector

Many businesses could use the help of metal detectors to screen for weapons entering the building or to screen for merchandise illegally leaving the building. While many companies suggest any metal detector will suffice for either reason, this is not really the case. Depending on what purpose your business is most likely to need the […]

XVS 10mi Installation Video

The below video is a quick guide on how to setup and install the XVS 10mi walk through metal detector. Please contact us with any questions you may have. [stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]