Last night an employee from the O2 store in U.K took off with nearly $240,000 worth of iphone’s. Excited customers waiting for the new iphone 5 are obviously frustrated from waiting all night in line to only find out the new phones are all stolen. Police say a man by the name of “Sethi of […]
Below is a video of a professional burglar breaking into a TJ Maxx. Wonder how this guy broke in? He cut through the roof with a saw, deactivated the alarm system, video cameras and smashed the security computer. He then went on to cut through the wall into a safe and take an unknown amount […]
Security metal detector are so important for many reasons. Even though you may get tired of experiencing and seeing all the false alarms they still prove to be a helpful tool in protecting the public.
Buying a metal detector is not easy. Lets face it you do not invest in a metal detector everyday and you need to think a lot before you buy it. Not only do you have to consider the place and location where the metal detector will be placed you also have to consider the different […]
I always have people asking me if walk through metal detectors are able to see all the way through a persons body. Well the simple answer to the question is yes they absolutely can! Some people believe that if you swallow a metal item or have a metal screw or plate in your body the […]
Do to the reacent theater shooting in Colorado, some people say the theaters are going to require you to walk through a metal detector. View More