Are Metal Detectors Worth The Investment?

The average security detector costs between $3,000 – $4,500. You might think this is a large sum of money (which it is) but to be honest your biggest expense is going to be the security guard that manages the system every single time it is used. That being said, when it comes to saving lives […]

Metal Detectors – They Are Expensive But Should You Compromise On Your Safety?

Metal detectors are becoming increasingly popular across the country but unfortunately, several US schools are still a soft target for potential criminals and psychopaths because in many US states, metal detector installation in schools are not mandated by the law. Some financial institutions such as banks and jewellery showrooms have metal detectors installed because of […]

3 Tips For A Speedy Trip Through A Metal Detector

Security is getting tighter all over the world and as a result you may be running into more metal detectors than ever. Federal buildings, schools and airports are the most common places to experience metal detectors and their counter-part; long lines! In order to ensure a speedy trip through the metal detector so you can […]

More Schools Are Making Use of Walk Through Metal Detectors

Some people dislike this fact and call it an “intrusion” of privacy. Even if it seems as such to some, what is more important? That your child attend school unharmed, or not? The responsible thing to do is to make sure that all children are kept safe. Safe from handguns, knives, or any other type […]

Walk Through Metal Detectors – A Small Price to Pay for Safety

Today the standard walk through style metal detector is an ideal tool to help the school’s security – be able to provide a safe place for children. The last thing school security should have to be concerned about are the items that kids could bring onto the campus. They may now have a way to […]

A Little Info About the PTI Walk Through Metal Detector

If you work for a jewelry manufacturer and have to have to pass through their newest and latest “walk through “metal detector; take heed. Today’s top of the market brands sport some new software which gives them the ability to do more. If you pass through the new PTI metal detector  (private employment use only) […]

Training Security Guards to Use Standard Walk Through Metal Detectors

Training your staff and security guards to use your standard type of walk through metal detectors is not a hard thing to do. They have to understand and know how to set the parameters of the sensitivity levels to avoid getting too many false alarms. This type of training can easily be done within a […]

Even the Best Top-End Walk Through Metal Detectors Require Trained Staff to Operate; Yet Who May Put a Price On Saving A Childs Life?

Even the best,  higher priced (walk through) model metal detectors still need properly trained staff to operate them for them to do their job effectively. To deter students from bringing dangerous weapons such as guns or knives into schools, the best machines cannot do the entire job by themselves. In recent years there seems to […]